Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Curth Orefjard's Meditation

From The Heart of Sai by R Lowenberg 57 Main Rd. Whitefield 560066

Curth Orefjard of Sweden first heard of Sai Baba about 18 months ago
from the time of writing, namely May 1980, when he was given the book
Sai Baba Man of Miracles by Howard Murphet to read.

One year later he decided to come to India
with his wife Sisko to see Sai Baba.

Ten years earlier in Nepal he was given a statuette of Lord Shiva by
a man who was completely unknown to him. This man stopped him and said
"Excuse me, but this is for you." He would take no payment for it,
nor did Curth have any idea why the man should pick him out as the
recipient of the gift. He had a small gold box made and had the
statuette mounted inside same. This box was attached to a gold chain
and Curth wore this around his neck.

On Curth's first day in Puttaparthi, Swami called him in for an
interview. Pointing to Curth's golden box, Swami said "Give me that"
and Curth promptly handed it to him. Baba blew on the container,
and instantly it changed into a beautiful locket with Baba's picutre
on one side and Shirdi Sai's on the other. The locket was mounted in

Swami told Curth to go back to Sweden, liquidate his business there
and to return as soon as possible, because "I have been waiting for
you a long time, but you were not ready to come to me until 2 years

I heard this part of the story from Richard LeVan who had been in
Puttaparthi at the end of December 1979 when Curth arrived there.
In March 1980 I met Curth at Brindavan, and invited him and his
wife Sisko to our hom.e He then unfolded something of his past
life and what Baba had done for him.

Curth (Orefjard) said that at the age of 4 years he had had an out of
body experience and from then on psychic powers slowly started to
develop. His grandmother was deeply religious. She prayed for him and
tuaght him yogic breathing. She possessed the ability to go into the
depths of silence and there to contact Cosmic power or God, which she
to a certain extent was able to impart to Curth. She was a self taught
yogi and a highly developed person. He used to sit quietly beside her
and think about God, and she would talk to him of spiritual matters.
In this way he developed a deep love for God.

At the age of 19 he had a serious illness and spent many months in a
body cast in a hospital. During that time he began to realize that
he could 'go within' and he learned to meditate. He made use of his
deepmeditation, thereby relieving his pain and discomfort.

In his mother's eyes he was a dreamer who spoke more about God rather
than engaging himself in the process of making a living. As he now
a family his mother was not at all happy that he would be able to
support them, and was afraid that her daughter-in-law would have to
take care of him. She expressed herself in these terms to Curth, who
was stung to the quick by these remarks, and he made up his mind
to become a successful business man. He used the power of the mind
to achieve this and in five years he was a successful and rich
business man. He went on using his mental power, thereby
improving and developing his business activities, gaining more
and more wealth. Now of course his mother and famiy were very proud
of his success. But he says that those years cost him dearly.
He lost whatever health he had and suffered two severe heart attacks*
and other illnesses of the type which often are the result of
the stressful life of a modern business man. More especially is this
so when he used his whole will power to do things
that are entirely against his innermost conviction, which
Curth had to do.

* (reposter's note: Monday morning as people go to work they
hate is the hour of 168 in the week of the most heart attacks.)


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